Data lost by malicious attack, user error or hardware malfunctions can often be very costly and in some cases disastrous. Often the valuable information can be recovered through the use of computer forensics software. The Orion Hi-Tech Unit provides data recovery services which can retrieve priceless and irreplaceable information, saving you time and money and preventing business disruption.
If your operating system can no longer locate or identify the hard disk on your computer we may be able to help you retrieve and recover data.
If hardware problems are threatening to lose your priceless information we can access the information as the hard disk may be accessible through alternative means.
If user error has caused files to be deleted inadvertently or malicious intervention has caused file loss we can try and retrieve the valuable data for you.
Before you give it up as lost we may be able to save your files, your data, your time and your money.
If you are based in Thailand our specialist staff can travel to you. Our team of experts can also travel overseas if necessary. Alternatively if suitable the hard disk can be sent to us for analysis on site at Orion Investigations in Bangkok.